Explore Alternatives

And find solutions that work for you

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We can help you find your own

Personal Truth

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We can help you find 

Peace, Happiness,
and Recovery

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Happiness is


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Solutions to problems come

From Within

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Our therapists respect and listen carefully to each member of the family. Our therapigsts work together with the parents as a collaborative team.


Its important to understand that each relationship has unique strengths and issues. By seeking couples counseling, you’ll be giving your relationship the best chances for success.


Most people with mental health issues can get better. Recovery and treatment are ongoing processes that happen over time and the first step is reaching out for help.

Therapies & Treatments

We Are Your Expert Therapists in Medina and Rocky River



Behavioral Health Services of Greater Cleveland believes in collaborating with other professionals to ensure the provision of services in the community.


Resource Coordination

We will work with all referral resources, ensuring that all professionals who are working with the client are on the same page, and working towards the same goals.


Resource Identification

The professional resources that we help secure for our patients include, but are not limited to:

  • Case Workers
  • Probation Officers
  • Judges and Magistrates
  • School Administrators
  • Physicians

Our Mission

We believe that all the solutions to everyone’s problems come from within. It is our mission to help clients explore alternatives and find mental health recovery solutions that work for them.

Each person’s truth is affected by the environment around them and by their own personal history. We believe that helping people understand their personal history, while still focusing on present day issues is an important aspect of recovery.

We believe that helping people understand their personal history, while still focusing on present day issues is an important aspect of mental health recovery.

The environment that we live in affects our mental and emotional health; we work to help each client manage their environmental stressors and enhance environmental strengths so they can take advantage of opportunities when they are presented.

No matter what the environmental stressors may be, no matter what their circumstances are, we believe that happiness is attainable, and we believe that we can help each client find their own personal truth that leads to long term success, peace, happiness, confidence, and recovery.

Take the First Step to Help

Call Now
(866) 466 9591
Option 0 for an appointment
Intake Hours: Mon. to Fri. 9:30 am – 5:30 pm
• All messages returned within 24 hours •

Founded in 2008, BHSOGC has delivered professional Psychology Services to the greater Cleveland area with offices in Medina and Rocky River. We are a multi-disciplinary group practice with a clinical staff of psychologists, licensed social workers and masters level therapists.

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L to R: Dr. Aaron Ellington, Ruth Fiala, David Smith